TOL MORWEN: in arrivo il nuovo singolo ''The Shieldmaiden''

TOL MORWEN: in arrivo il nuovo singolo ''The Shieldmaiden'' A distanza di 8 mesi dalla pubblicazione dell' Ep "Rise of the Fury" la Melodic Death Metal band emiliana torna con il nuovo singolo "The Shieldmaiden", il brano si ispira alla figura della guerriera vichinga femminile, della sua furia distruttrice in battaglia e della devozione agli dei del nord, il sound miscela suoni Heavy, Post Black Metal e Melodic Death Metal, la produzione è stata nuovamente affidata a FP Audiolabs, l'artwork invece è a cura di: Mordiggian Art.

Data di pubblicazione 26 Luglio 2024


Tol Morwen - The Shieldmaiden

Guide me through the rage of thunders
Take my hands and let me watch your eyes
Let me hold your hand, just one last time
Before the fight,
We fought a thousand battles
But we ain't dead yet until tonight

The smell of blood
Through a storm of swords
It begins like a spark
And it will never stop

Through the enemy lines
While we take their lives
Death walks with us
As we take them down

I Saw you destroying their shields
Through many kills
A thousands crows
That fly as darkness falls

Guide me
through darkness
Shining through gates
We'll feast tonight
It won't matter
If We Win or if We Die

If We Win or Die

Hear the sounds of broken bones
The hits of the spears
We came as Death
Through the battlefield
Can't you hear his deadly whisper

Their reign will fall
We'll tear’em apart
We'll push them back as their falling
Tryin again to hit them harder

But all of a sudden
We've been surrounded
As rats in a trap
We start to fall
Can't do anything
To stop the blow

And as the light is fading
While I close my eyes
My fearless shieldmaiden
Go on and fight

I'll feast with Thor and Odin
No cries please for me
My fearless shieldmaiden
Go on and live

She's proud as Freya
Has no mercy for them
She'll kill them all
While they start to fall
Swords in hand she kills with pleasure

Rivers of Blood
Heads set to roll
A deadly flash
And the light is gone
They'll push them back
They now are falling

She's out of her
While in berserk
No Rose, just thorns
A rage goddess
With just one sword
She takes their breath

And as the fight enrages
They are now pushed back
My fearless shieldmaiden
Watch your back

An Arrow has been shot
As they're fleeing in retreat
My fearless shieldmaiden
Please don't die

And as the light is fading
While you close your eyes
My fearless shieldmaiden
Lay with me

We'll feast with Thor and Odin
No cries for you and me
Valhalla now await us
We're not defeated

Takes us Away

Guide me through the rage of thunders
Take my hands and let me watch your eyes
Let me hold your hand, just one last time
Before the fight,
We fought thousands battles
But we ain't dead yet until tonight


Inserita da: Jerico il 24.07.2024 - Letture: 299

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